John Aslett admitted to the Roll of Solicitors

John has been employed with Systech since 2018, working on a variety of projects with clients from around the globe. He is currently engaged on one of the largest infrastructure projects in North America, where he is part of the quality assurance process reviewing front end contractual documents for commercial risk. John has now added to his experience and qualifications by gaining admission to the roll of solicitors.

Here is what John had to say:

“Joining Systech was a fantastic decision, as they’ve given me the ability to work in several countries and offered the support required in getting me to this point. In particular Tom Allen (Managing Partner, Systech Law) has been instrumental in bringing it all together and overseeing the process of admission.

Like many others, the road to being admitted as a solicitor has been long but is worth the wait. I’ve been working in the legal profession on both contentious and non-contentious matters for the best part of a decade now, so I’m delighted to finally reach this milestone. Gaining admission as a solicitor adds credibility and legitimises my experience. Common law qualifications, like this, demonstrate that I have the necessary ability within the jurisdiction but will ultimately benefit our clients worldwide. I now look forward to continuing my journey with Systech and assisting our clients to gain their desired outcomes.”