10TH MARCH 2021

Jaclyn Nelson finally qualifies as a solicitor

Jaclyn has been with Systech since 2018 and has become an integral part of our team. She regularly hosts client seminars and webinars, and has been involved in some of the largest projects worldwide. She joined Systech as a paralegal before obtaining her training contract a year later. Since then and after many hours of hard work, she has finally been admitted to the roll of solicitors.

Jaclyn Nelson qualifies as a solicitor

Here is what Jaclyn had to say:

"Last month I was admitted to the roll of solicitors, it has been a lengthy process not least because a global recession and global pandemic occurred along the way! I went to university at 18 and undertook a qualifying law degree, which included working in the industry for a year. I then went straight to law school, but a global recession meant that training contracts were even harder to come by. I worked for a couple of years as a conveyancer before emigrating to Montréal where I first worked on a construction project and was introduced to Systech. I returned to the UK and after a year of working for Systech, I was offered a training contract. I am grateful for having been given this opportunity and for the support from my mentor, Stephen Twaites. Due to my previous experience, my period of recognised training was reduced to 18 months (usually 2 years) and despite the global pandemic, I was able to attend the Professional Skills Course remotely to complete my training.

Having now qualified, I am able to practise law and call myself a solicitor. Whilst my jurisdiction is limited to England and Wales, construction contracts across the globe can be governed by the law of England and Wales and therefore the opportunity to work internationally is a possibility (especially now remote working is proving to be so effective).

I also look forward to supporting the other Systech Law trainees on their journey to qualification and gaining more experience on a variety of projects and utilising different types of contracts.”

Well done Jaclyn!