• Expert Services

    Quantum and time experts with testimony experience, supported by our global operation.

    Expert Services

    Quantum and time experts with testimony experience, supported by our global operation.

    Claims and dispute resolution

    Honest appraisal, strategic guidance and the preparation of time and cost entitlement documentation that is technically, legally and commercially accurate.

Our expert services have evolved from extensive experience supporting global clients in the resolution of their disputes.

Our niche is to offer expert advisors at the embryonic stages of a dispute who are free to act in the best interests of our client to provide strategic advice on resolution options, including strengths/weaknesses and action plans, with the aim of achieving an early, pragmatic settlement, avoiding the need for highly expensive and time-consuming formal proceedings.

Our approach allows the parties to quickly and cost effectively reach a solution whilst maintaining their focus on the project; no need to divert key members of the team from their delivery duties or to appoint traditional legal representation and independent experts.

Should the matter ultimately be referred to formal proceedings however, our advice and submission preparation will be to the standards expected by a tribunal.

Experts with hands on experience with international contractors.

Our experts come from a wide range of backgrounds, but one thing that they all have in common is hands-on experience with international contractors. They are highly credible, in-demand professionals who are capable of both understanding and resolving what are often extremely complex and detailed disputes. Many of our experts have experience in giving evidence under oath, having been called to do so in their area of expertise. 

Our experts work alongside our claims consultants, forensic delay analysts, projects controls specialists and lawyers from Systech Law as part of a consolidated, cost effective Systech offering, which avoids the abortive work and interface issues that can arise from appointing multi-party advisors.

A joint appointment with Systech Law can also provide the benefits of privilege, giving protection to your commercial position.

  • Global panel of time and quantum experts
  • Expert advisory focus, with duty to client
  • Strategic advice to facilitate early settlement
  • Hands-on project experience, practical approach
  • Aim is to avoid escalation to formal trobunal
  • Testimony under cross examination
  • Representation at DAB’s and other tribunal
  • Back up and support from global business
  • Coordinated and cost-effective appointments with other Systech offerings